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Friday, June 3, 2011

My Laboratory work is complete !

Most people will never see "behind the scenes" of a dental restoration.  I am so fortunate because I work in a dental laboratory and was able to see the progress of my implants.  The case came to the lab from the dentist with a prescription, models were made and the rest is talent and artistry.  These pictures show what my teeth looked like before they were placed in my mouth.  The procedure itself is fascinating.  I'll bet you didn't know that every crown is really made by hand, with a ceramist using layers of porcelain to produce an ideal tooth in strength and colour to match your mouth exactly.  No two teeth are identical and no two people's mouths are identical.  The artistry and talent required for this work is well beyond my imagination since I am challenged to draw a "happy face".  Yet every day of every year people come and sit at their benches to create one unique restoration after another.  Just look at these pictures and see if you don't think they're beautiful!  (Pictures by Mark Rotsaert)

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! It’s an amazing fact that each dental implant is unique – it’s like our thumbprints that show our individuality! Anyway, how are your implants now? I bet the pain is finally gone, and it’s about time for you to enjoy your life to the fullest. Besides, you deserve to have a pain-free smile, and I hope it will stay that way. I’m looking forward to seeing your photos with your new smile. ;)

    Nannie Livingstone
