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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A screw is not a problem!

Have you been waiting with bated breath?  My abject apologies....  December becomes quite hectic between my job and my family, which, by the way, are a couple of thousand kilometers away.  January is the month to regroup so, here I am, back in the saddle.

A brief update - one day mid December something fell out of my mouth while I was eating lunch and I nearly had a coronary worrying about it.  The thing landed in my hand - a screw!  I eventually determined that this screw of the ....  hmmmm...  not explaining this well.  Let's see.  An implant is a screw with a cylider attached to the end.  The screw goes into the bone, which is when you pray that the osseointegration occcurs.  Then there's a sort of miniature cylinder attached to the screw which also goes into the bone.  It should be flush with your bone when surgery is complete.  Then there's ANOTHER screw which plugs the cylinder.  It's only meant to be a plug I think.  Anyway....   the screw ended up in my hand and off to the surgeon I went, fearful that my money had already been wasted.  I was assured that it was, in fact, merely a screw and that they do come loose as a result of all the motion within a persons mouth (mastication).  Surgeon got out his screwdriver, gave my a few shots of Joy Juice and I was back to work in 45 minutes.  So....  a screw is nothing to concern yourself about.  It's just a little piece of metal.

Promise I'll be back very soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! nice post. Well what can I say is that these is an interesting and very informative topic. Thanks for sharing.Cheers!

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